Wednesday 11 September 2013

Trailer Research 1

What is the difference between a teaser trailer and a trailer?

A teaser trailer is a shortened down version of the normal trailer and contains less detail and information, this is so it can show one of the good points in the film to get the audience intrigued and excited for the film’s release. A teaser trailer is often released months in advance of the main film coming out.

The Amityville Horror Trailer

The Amityville Horror

Directed by: Andrew Douglas

Written By: Jay Anson

Released:  July 27th 1979

Age Rating: 16+

Institution: Dimension Films


The institution logo is displayed at the very beginning of the film trailer this is because the audience may recognise this institution from another film previously made by them which lets them know that this institution is trusted, also if they have seen a film made by this institution which was good then chances are this film is good too which will help persuade them to watch this film. While the logo of the institution is displayed on screen there is some non diegetic sound being played of some dialogue.



The Amityville horror starts with a sentence displayed on the screen, the sentence reads “Based on a true Story” this will automatically get people intrigued and interested as people want to know about true thriller story’s  and people are always interested to find out more if they know that it has been based on a true, real life story, so this line is quite powerful. It then goes on to show fast paced cuts between news articles and police who look as though they are searching the house , it also shows the real faces of the people who the story is based on , this proves to the audience that it is based on a true story and this will help to keep their attention. The trailer then goes on to show a date, this again proves that this film is based on a true story. It also goes on to give us a little information in words to tell us how the family happened to be in this certain house.



On the next part of the trailer it shows us clips from the movie, it first shows them moving into this house that is haunted; it shows this first as it wants us to recognise that this house will be a significant part in the film as it is where most of the drama happens. The clip of the family moving into the house makes it look as though the viewer is watching a home video that someone has just filmed as the graphics are slightly distorted and the camera is shaking making it look as though a child has filmed it, this increases suspense as it looks as though we or someone else is watching the families every move.



When the camera moves away from the family the mood changes as it turns to darkness with some lighting strikes, the camera then slowly pans out revealing the house which again makes us think that the house is a very important part in the film , straight after the shot of the house a sentence appears with the words “they only lasted 28 days” this increase tension and makes the audience want to watch the film to find out what this could mean and also to find out what exactly happened to this family. While showing this equilibrium scene there is some incidental soft music that sets a nice mood making you think all is normal, the director then added a sting of sound which builds up to fast paced cuts of bad things that happen in the house.


The trailer then shows a lot of fast paced cuts between scenes to show some of the terrible things that happened to this family, this adds to the tension and suspense as it only shows a glimpse of some of the things that happen which entices the audience to continue watching. The screen then suddenly turns black leaving the audience in complete suspense wanting to know what happens. There is some non-diegetic sound in the form of lightening to add to the sinister atmosphere. Throughout the trailer the time of 3:15 am keeps appearing , this keeps the audience intrigued as they may want to know why 3:15 and not any other time, this may make them feel as though they want to watch this film so they can find out.


The trailer ends with the name of the film ‘The Amityville Horror’ this is so it is the thing that you remember from watching the trailer as it is the last thing that appears on screen making it memorable.











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