Thursday 3 October 2013

Film Poster Research 3


The main image on this film poster is a mid-shot of four people, this suggests that these will be the main protagonists in this film all of their expressions look very sinister which suggests this won’t be a happy fairy tale, one of the protagonists is holding a chainsaw which could be a reference to another film. The colours on this poster suggest that this film may not actually be a horror as the colours are lighter than they would usually be suggesting that this may actually be more of a thriller although the colours could have been made lighter so we can see what’s in the background ;Zombies. The four actors names who are featured in the main image have been included at the top this is so viewers who may have seen other films that these people have been a part of may recognise them and come and view this film too. The film poster doesn’t follow all of the usual conventions of other film posters as the title is at the top as opposed to being at the bottom and being the last thing that people read. The title stands out as it is bright orange and in bold.

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